Monday, September 11, 2006

When does stress occur?

Imagine our life to be on a balance with the resources (tools for managing life) on one side and the demands we have to handle on the other side.
Resources could be internal or external.
Internal resources are our intelligence, wisdom, creativity and certain hereditary characteristics and what we have accumulated with the help of these,viz., education, training, maturity, wisdom, intelligence etc .
External resources are those worldly goods that we have acquired with the proper use of the internal resources: our wealth, bank balance, friends and relatives, properties (movable and immovable) and such.
Demands on our mind and body come from different sources- personal, familial, socioeconomic and attitudinal. If there is optimum balance between the demands and resources, the stress is under control. When there is an imbalance, stress becomes distress!
Successful management of stress depends upon our ability to keep our demands at a realistic level and mobilize sufficient resources to meet the demands at hand.

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